Sunday, January 30, 2011

Storing me behind my ears...

At the slightest glance you seemed there,
a shaking blue figure in a sea of orange haze,
a starry-eyed soul cast in shadows too long,
but I saw wrong,
and the rhythm found me laughing again,
sharing a swollen sadness with no one,
disguising a gaping heart-hole with
three smiles, carefully placed...
I'm falling,
and turning,
and twisting,
twisting, and shouting
Everything is hot here,
Everything's aflame.
Chin upturned,
I squinted, searching for the hand
I used to hold so willingly,
(I could never bear clenching these fists alone)
There was nothing to reach for,
and I plunged further into the inferno.
Take this, one last time,
my last whispered "Goodbye! I will miss you! I have always cared!"
while our words sit in stifling air,
I will be gone before the echoes reach your ears.

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