Wednesday, December 23, 2009


It's a wonderful life. Trying to sort through my jumble of thoughts to get a decent sentence out of this—

Ok, here.

I love my friends. Everyone I have met has changed me, even if just for the day, but my best friends remind me what it's like to be free. Here come the clichés, but I mean all of them:

- You've taught me to live in the moment (and sometimes that means embracing the past)
- You've made me laugh—I mean really laugh. One of my good friends was looking through my photos. She came across a random album of some photo shoot my friends and I had done some summer ago. She asked me why I don't smile like I had the picture. Hmm. I'm not less happy, or anything like that, but I think... I think that smile was just... free. You know?
- You've taught me to "love like you'll never get hurt."

I can't talk about the last point right now, because then I would leap into a series of jaded, bitter rants about heartache, like always—or sneak in a few good happy clichés about love that I guess you might have trouble believing until you experience it—but I'll just let you know that it's my favorite thing about you. Love.

Tonight I saw one of my best friends, that I hadn't seen in nearly half a year, and it was one of the greatest feelings in the world. Like hanging your head out the sunroof and singing Miley Cyrus (don't judge!), and hot chocolate, and dancing just because you can. I am blessed to have you in my life. Thank you.

I don't remember what it was like to fall asleep before 3am, but maybe I should give up on fixing my sleep schedule. I like this.

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