Saturday, March 26, 2011

giving up (almost)

I have never been one to settle, when it comes to dreaming. Sure, sure... what I want has changed over the years, but the idea of "giving up" has never been a reality I've chosen to embrace. I don't plan on starting anytime soon, so I won't.

Still — I've been a bit restless about all of this. This him and her stuff. He and she. Whatever it is. I would like to feel loved and wanted. (Wouldn't we all?) I'm also, of course, jaded and tired and sort of worn down from all the chasing I did in the past...

So I think I am giving up. I mean, we'll see how everything works out. But I woke up today with a heavy heart, and I believe that it's worth listening to. I'm tired already, and we haven't even held hands. I suppose this whole "giving up" thing is part of not settling (?) Whatever it is, it feels weird and right, and good, I think.

I want to love recklessly, I want to love fearlessly, and I want someone who wants the same.

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