Friday, June 18, 2010

ok, so...

Maybe I've been fibbing a little. It has been about eight days since I've had five minutes to hear my own thoughts. Now, I have had about four hours and 35 minutes to myself, and I feel trapped in a sort of tumultuous silence. Maybe it's not all silence.

I realized sometime between a shower and my lunch—peanut butter on wheat—that I might say too much on here; that all six or seven people that may read this on occasion are likely to think I'm a less sane than I once was. "Don't worry, I'm fine."

It is 3:38pm in Boston. Does afternoon begin immediately after 12pm? Is 12:01 considered "the afternoon"? I'm pretty sure I would consider it noon. Perhaps I've been wrong all this time. Well, here's to the afternoon.

I will be broke in five days. I am jobless. My mom is generous, but not that generous. I wanted this time to be on my own, anyway. It's been rewarding. Sort of. My dreams are more vivid—I think it's the absence of street noise. My view? A sprawling landscape of California rooftops and South San Franciscan fog. A backyard home to overgrown grass, a broken lawn mower, a mossy wooden bench that once belonged to a quaint little set of lawn furniture (but now houses ants and spiders), and a broken fence. There is a cage on my window.

I put up a few posters and photographs to make the guest room feel like home. I spread my red blanket from school across the queen-size, and my sort-of ugly quilt-fabric pillows against the wall. It's alright, I think. I have my music and I just bought some cheap oil pastels. I needed to invest in things to do that won't necessitate leaving the house.

It feels colder here than it does during Seattle's winter, mostly because of wind chill. I should keep spare jackets and pairs of shorts in my trunk. Wind in the morning, sun in the afternoon.

I need to find a place to run. And somewhere warm to read. I need a job.

1 comment:

bridget said...

I am so proud of you.
you are constantly going outside your comfort zone.
you are dedicated.
you drove down to san bruno countless times at the end of the year just to find a job. because you think ahead :)
not to mention you are so full of life!

i know you are confident and you don't need to hear this, but i wanted to tell you more for me than anyone else; i admire you so much. really. i have secretly wished i were a lot more like you for some time now. just thought i'd tell you on your blog? lol

if any one can handle a challenge like this, because lets face it, this summer has been pretty challenging, you can.
