Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sleep Disorders

Our bodies are so strange. I was diagnosed with narcolepsy at the beginning of the summer, and now sit wide-awake at 2:37am, wrecked with insomnia. I wonder what changed.

You know what they say...

"When in doubt, write poetry."

(Okay, so no one says that, but they really should, don't you think?)
(Also, did italicizing make it more believable?)

please cloak me in the quiet
of your velvet embrace,
leave my breaths soft
and sipping,
bathe my lids in rest,
while the night creatures croak around me,
fold my ears in,
to the rhythm of a heart-beat lullaby,
take away the rage of sunlight,
strip this room of its teasing distractions,
leave me with me,
and a dream so sweet
that it nestles its way between
my hands
and stays
as long as the stars
stay winking in the sky.

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