Thursday, June 16, 2011

Nos vemos pronto, Barcelona...

I can't wait! I've spent most of my free time reading student blogs and browsing LonelyPlanet for more info about Barcelona... I feel like I'm already in love. Or lust, at least.

I can't wait! At first, I was worried about not having enough time to see everything I want to see — three months isn't a very long time when you're with the one you love, after all — but I am already crazy about a city I've never met, so I am sure that my trip abroad won't be the last time I see EspaƱa...


3 days until I see my best friend.
17 days until July 4th.
59 days until my Bikram punch card expires.
70 days until Spain.
95 days until my birthday.
192 days until Christmas.
206 days until I am reunited with my other best friends.

Dang. Blessed.

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