Sunday, January 24, 2010


I have a six page draft due on Wednesday, and am currently experiencing Writer's Block. In hopes of alleviating this, I drank a bottle and a half of water, chugged a 16 oz. Americano, and listened to Animal Collective, to no avail. As a result I have a headache...and have to pee. Awesome.

The coffee on campus has never tasted good. On the rare days this quarter that it has been up to par, I've been too busy huffing and sweating my way to the Arts and Sciences Building to experience it fully. I know grumbling this much should be a sin when our campus is the size of a large shopping mall, but I just...miss...Starbucks. Ha, I can see you now, you silly coffee connoisseur, turning your nose up and scoffing. (Starbucks isn't real coffee!) Maybe so, but I miss it nonetheless. Seattle stereotype #1 fulfilled.

And coffee is all I've been craving this entire week! With Santa Clara's recent bout of sporadic rainstorms, all that any of us have wanted to do is curl up with a nice cup of Joe, and watch Edward Norton films,  in the meanwhile, pretend we're disturbed by all the violence, when in reality...we're enjoying it. Perhaps I'm speaking for myself. Self-appointed crazy points...

I'm only blogging with the faint ambition that my brain and fingers will warm up, and I'll be able to write this silly paper that I was so excited about three days ago. Badabababa...I'm loving it.

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