Friday, January 1, 2010


I haven't slept yet. Like what happens every new year, that Death Cab for Cutie song has been replaying in my head over and over, and for once I can't relate to its nonchalance.

"So this is the New Year, and I don't feel any different."

Not that I changed when the clock struck twelve, or that anything spectacular has actually happened to me—but the past month I have learned more about myself than I have this entire quarter. I am learning how important it is to take time for myself, and how much I love waking up to a bright gray sky, and how the kiss of a coffee cup has always been more consoling than yours. Nonetheless, you are still very much...there, and I'm grateful for it. Only time can heal some things.

Happy New Year. Here's to twelve more months of love.

1 comment:

Nick Carraway said...

"kiss of a coffee cup"

Good phrase. You should aim for this kind of subtlety more often. It creates a strong voice.