Monday, March 29, 2010

little bits of metal

Four hours the night before last, four last night, and I managed to wake up at seven and hear the early commute and bustle. Crossing my fingers for sunshine and an excuse to wear my Mexican poncho.

Lower back pains still there, taking ibuprofen like an addict. Well, not really.

And is it terrible that I'm from Seattle and don't really like the Dave Matthews Band? Sorry guys.
Missin' all the right people.

Monday, March 15, 2010


You win. (Didn't know we were competing in the first place.) You win.
Relative pain. Relative loss. Relative love.
I guess mine is insignificant. My love, that is.
Not as real as yours.
Hm, okay then. If that makes you happy.
I think it does. Knowing that you see more darkness than others.
Hm. I never pretended to know more than I do.
Self-centered insensitivity.

You can win that one.

For now, I'll sit peacefully in the sunshine.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

lower back pains

Feeling old, thinking about being old. I'm starting to feel passionate again—and I'm terrified. (Since when does that happen?) I'm starting to set goals, and dream big, and feeling that same hope and fear I felt when I was a junior in high school. Dangerous.

Studying for finals this quarter isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I cannot study around other people. It's actually impossible. My fault, not theirs. I wish I knew more about designing in Photoshop.

My heart feels like it's going to burst! There are so many things I want to do, so many things I want to see, and all at once! Ahh. Back to endless charts and illegible handwriting...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

the invention of the highlighter

As of three hours ago, my back has been experiencing sharp, spontaneous pains that I can only attribute to my failed attempts at keeping up with Kerry's volleyball workout regimen. I've slipped comfortably into an unhealthy sleep schedule, exchanging shut-eye time for music and laughter. It's fine. I feel more "me" that way, anyway. A little loopy. A little disillusioned.

Squeezing highlighters or similar objects during exams has proven beneficial to test-takers. By gripping something, blood flow increases and one becomes more focused. I wonder who invented the highlighter. Pause. Here: . Okay.

Back to the textbook, back to the smell of new pages and brain sweat.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


My eating habits are getting stranger and stranger.

"There was a time we lived in truth, let's bring it back."

Excited for the weekend.